The Appalachian State University College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) hosted the 2023-24 CAS Outstanding Senior Recognition Ceremony on Friday, April 19, 2024, in the Grandview Ballroom in the North End Zone Facility at Kidd Brewer Stadium. During the ceremony, 97 seniors and 12 graduating CAS Corps members were recognized for their accomplishments. The Veterinary Technology Program is proud to honor the Outstanding Seniors for out department.
Jennah Bosch, senior from Wilmington majoring in veterinary technology, is a recipient of the department's Outstanding Senior Award. Bosch shared that her favorite memory from the program is meeting other students from different areas and getting to know more about them and the clinics they work in. When asked about a faculty or staff member who made a positive impact on her life, Bosch wrote, "While all of my instructors here have been instrumental in my journey, Rebecca Newman has always been the bright light. Her unwavering positivity and continual support helped keep me centered and focused, especially when I was having difficulty in a class." Following graduation, Bosch hopes to teach and mentor new and prospective veterinary technicians and continue to help the profession progress.
Kimberly Lewis, senior from Wilmington majoring in veterinary technology, is a recipient of the department's Outstanding Senior Award. After graduation, Lewis hopes to continue positively influencing the veterinary profession as an educator.
Michelle Patterson, senior from Mooresville majoring in veterinary technology, is a recipient of the department's Outstanding Senior Award. "I am continuing into a master's program to further my education before eventually returning to academia," shared Patterson about her future plans.
Kelly Payne, senior from Dobson majoring in veterinary technology, is a recipient of the department's Outstanding Senior Award. After graduation, Payne plans to continue working as a veterinary technician.
Stefanie Venegas, senior from Charlotte majoring in veterinary technology, is a recipient of the department's Outstanding Senior Award. Venegas recognized former director, Dr. Virginia Corrigan, as a faculty member who made a positive impact on her life. "Dr. Corrigan was the main reason why I applied for the program. She has always been very positive toward my continuing education and always gave me the confidence I needed to achieve anything I put my mind to," wrote Venegas, who plans to progress in the veterinary field and eventually become a Veterinary Technician Specialist in Emergency and Critical Care.
Jennah Bosch
Kimberly Lewis
Michelle Patterson
Kelly Payne
Stefanie Venegas